Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Season 4 Episode 55 -LOVE THY NEIGHBOR

LOVE THY NEIGHBOR -Lana Shields needs an escort and instantly falls for Jack, who wants nothing at all to do with her.

-first mention and appearance of Lana Shields

-can anyone tell me why Jack rejected Lana's flirtations after earlier in the episode he is taking cold showers because he hasn't been with any women.

-If Lana is made to appear that she has a lot of money, why does she move in that apartment building?

-I never saw the tag scene for this episode until the DVD release. This tag scene introduces Lana as a neighbor to the trio. I always wondered how she just popped in as a neighbor in future episodes since they never show the tag scene in syndication.

Season 4 Episode 54 -JACK ON THE LAM

JACK ON THE LAM -Jack mistakes a visit from the FBI for a reference for a former Navy buddy as a mission to get him

-Janet has a new early 80's, Pat Benetar inspired hairstyle

-Chrissy is a total airhead by this season, on top of that they piled on so much make up that she is starting to resemble a clown.

-Notice that Jack and Janet are wearing new clothes when they are sitting on the couch talking, this was because of the pie got smashed in the previous scene

-When Janet and Chrissy follow the FBI guys and leave the apartment who are following Jack and his date Walter Nessle, they leave the front door WIDE OPEN to their apartment.

-When Jack (dressed as a woman) tries to leave the Regal Beagle and escape his date, look outside the right window of the Regal Beagle, the shoe store and bakery are waving around in the background. Couldn't someone tape them down?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Season 3 Episode 53 -TRIANGLE TROUBLES

TRIANGLE TROUBLES -Jack goes out with a girl, and he is afraid that she will leave him due to his living arrangements. But what he doesn't know is that she has the same problem that he does.

-Debbie and Jack color coordinate one another.

-When Reverend Snow comes out of the girl's bedroom to practice his sermon, you can see a long moving shadow of the microphone on the left side wall and bathroom door.

Season 3 Episode 52 -JACK MOVES OUT

JACK MOVES OUT -Jack gives cooking lessons to a wife who makes moves on Jack right in front of her husband.

-Larry's Boss is the same actor how will be Jack's boss...Mr. Angelino.

-A fork flies off the table and onto the floor when Larry's boss gets up to answer the phone.

-In the scene where Jack and Larry are at the Regal Beagle and are talking at the bar, right before Larry's date appears, look in the background and you can see the shadow of the microphone.

-The police office is actor John Laroquette before Night Court.

-Why do Janet and Chrissy fall asleep wearing pantyhose?


THE ANNIVERSARY SURPRISE -Helen thinks that Stanley is leaving her for another woman, but in actuality, the woman is a real estate agent who got him a great deal on a house in Chevroit Hills. Stanley tells Helen that they have sold the building and are moving into their new house and their own spin-off.

-Chrissy's crying is annoying

-this is the Ropers final appearance as regular characters on the show.

-I wonder how much the Ropers received ($$$) for the building.

-The tag scene (final scene) before jack falls with the chair, the camera switches to a wider angle camera, you can see the microphone at the top off the screen.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Season 3 Episode 50 -THE BAKE OFF

THE BAKE OFF -Chrissy accidentally eats Jack's pie right before a pie contest he is supposed to be in.

-A rare reference to O.J. Simpson is made by Dean Travers, it seems odd in today's world.

-Janet is wearing some huge ass bell bottoms.

-Look at the famous Life poster in the living room by the plants, when Mrs. Roper leaves after dropping off the pie, the poster is crooked and looks like it's about to fall off the wall. This could be because of all the door slamming that was going on before Mrs. Roper showed up.

-One of the best scenes in sitcom history takes place at the end of this episode...pies.

Season 3 Episode 49 -THE HARDER THEY FALL

THE HARDER THEY FALL -Jack ruins Janet's date when he has a broken leg.

-The actor playing Gregg Halliaday is the same actor in Season 7 Episode 149 that appears as Jack's old navy buddy.

-Janet's hair appears gray and very dry at the top when she is in the flower shop.

-Janet sure is h*rn* as hell for asking a man over to her place.

-In the scene where Mr. Roper is almost trimming the bushes when Mrs. Roper comes out to talk to him if you look into the background you can see at the end of the wall of the living room on the right side it is pitch black. You can tell it's just a stage.

-A hilarious scene is when Janet and Gregg are talking about the plants in the living room and Jack and Chrissy assume something else, lol, classic.

-When the Ropers go upstairs so Jack can sign the form to not sue Mr. Roper, look outside when they arrive it is daylight but as soon as the camera switches back to Mrs. Roper (standing by the open door), it's magically night time! It is more noticeable when they leave the apartment. Did someone forget to turn off a stage light?